Leadership Council Corner

Last year the Pastor’s office Ministry Plan  was focused on Strengthening the Roots of GSLC’s worship, discipleship, and outreach to the community. In 2024, Sharing Life + Sharing Jesus will be the focus of our strategic ministry plan based on the first letter of Paul to the Church in Thessalonica: “We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.” - 1 Thessalonians 2:8. Our goal is to leverage hospitality in order to create opportunities to share our lives together and share Jesus with others.

GSLC Family, it is our great honor to serve God and you in our capacity as the leadership council of your church. We would love to take this space to give a quick update on some of our works from the year 2023. The Leadership Council held a total of 11 meetings in 2023. Throughout these regular gatherings, the council emphasized the importance of enhancing financial reports and meticulously examining the legal procedures associated with Grace and GSLC merger process. Additionally, they facilitated a special voters meeting to authorize the merger. The LC also closely monitored and provided support for the pastor's activities aimed at achieving the ministry plan while preparing to finalize its replanting efforts by 2024 to ensure that day-to-day operations at GSLC are not neglected.

Key achievements in the work of the 2023 leadership council included addressing three critical financial reports, conducting a pastoral performance review, progressing with the merger with Grace Lutheran, as well as giving approval to an official Memorandum of Understanding signed between Calvary Lutheran and GSLC for exploring potential collaborative ministry partnerships leading towards potential mergers. Overall, the Leadership Council in 2023 placed great importance on financial transparency, legal procedures, and strategic partnerships to ensure the successful merger and smooth operation in the year 2023.


A Perfect Christmas Present – the Gift of Baptism!